A Toast to the Happy Couple!

Whether you are planning a rustic wedding or something more modern, toasts continue to be an important part of your special day.  Toasts are that wholesome wedding tradition where friends and families express the enormous love and joy they have for the newlyweds and their new life together.  It is also a good time for the couple to recognize each other and thank their friends, family, and guests for their love and support.


Tradition states the toasts and speeches should occur after the meal, marking the end of the “formalities” and the start of the party. However, it’s your day and if you prefer to have your speeches before the meal, that can help break the ice at your guest tables and give them something to talk about.  


Who gives wedding toasts or speeches? Of course it is completely up to the couple, but traditionally…

The Best Man

The Maid/Matron of Honor

The Wedding Host – traditionally the Father of the Bride

Other Parents and Parental Figures

The Couple may choose to toast to their family and friends.

Then What?

The final toast may include a funny or charming sentiment for all to repeat as everyone raises their glass and takes a sip. Then, the party gets started with the first dance or invite everyone onto the dance floor.

What do I say?

If you are asked to toast the couple, it’s usually good to keep it short and sweet. Share an anecdote about how you know the couple, but remember, there are family members at the wedding who may not appreciate all the stories about college antics or past relationships.

The bottom line? If you are asked to toast the couple, it is likely that you are very special to them. Make sure your toast leaves them feeling loved and wish them well in their life together.

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